Psychological harassment (Mobbing), which is a possible workplace problem for employees in all cultures and countries, regardless of age, gender, seniority, hierarchical position, is a workplace problem that is systematically carried out against business ethics.
Psychological harassment in the workplace generally causes physical and mental disorders, behavioral disorders, social problems and economic damage for the victim.
In addition to the significant losses in the performance and productivity of the perpetrators and victim/victims of mobbing in the workplace, and the time they devote to work, it also has various possible effects on the business.
In our factory, which operates in the textile sector, where denim and nondenim fabrics are produced,
The regulations for combating psychological harassment differ.
Kilim Group Kartaltepe Mensucat Fabrikası T.A.Ş., in case of emergence of elements of psychological harassment in the workplace, conducts various studies in order to have information about the subject and seeks to protect its corporate structure against such practices.
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